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Thrush is a bacterial fungal infection that eats into the hoof horn, typically in the frog, causing it to rot. It has a sour odor, and the frog is often black and crumbly in the affected area. The horse is often tender, depending on the depth of the infection. Pressing on the area may cause the horse to pull its leg away due to pain. Thrush can cause lameness in horses. The responsible microorganism is Spherophorus neaophorus, which breaks down the tissue of the frog, and a black-brown discharge may be seen on the surface of the hoof frog.


Thrush is a bacterial fungal infection that eats into the horn, typically in the frog, causing the horn to rot. It smells sour, and the frog is often black and crumbles slightly in the affected area.

The horse is often tender, depending on how deep the rot goes. If you press into the area, the horse will often pull its leg away due to pain. The horse can become lame from thrush. The responsible microorganism is Spherophorus neaophorus, which breaks down the frog’s tissue, and a black-brown discharge can be seen on the surface of the hoof’s frog.

Thrush is especially prevalent where horses are kept in limited areas under unhygienic conditions. A horse exposed to “clean” mud, which is more or less free from manure and urine, is not very prone to developing thrush, while a horse that stands in urine-soaked bedding most of the day is a prime candidate for thrush. Horses with overgrown or contracted hooves, those with a sole under the hoof, and those that get very little exercise are also more susceptible to thrush. Likewise, a horse that is chronically lame due to another issue will often develop thrush in the hoof of the affected leg.

Symptoms of Thrush

Things to watch for if you suspect thrush:

Treatment of thrush

Treatment of thrush involves trimming the frog to remove as much infected tissue as possible until healthy horn is exposed. It’s essential to consult with your farrier for this. Afterward, eliminating thrush requires addressing the invasive fungal infection S. necrophorus, which resides in the many cracks and crevices of the hoof.

Simply applying liquid over the frog is not sufficient; you must penetrate into all cracks, crevices, and cavities. The significant challenge with thrush treatment is the need for persistence. It must be treated daily, often for several weeks or even months.

To reduce the risk of thrush:

  • Regular trimming by a farrier.
  • Daily cleaning of the hoof followed by a disinfecting treatment that kills the fungal infection.
  • Housing in dry and well-bedded environments.
  • Dry turnout areas.

Consistency and thoroughness are key to effectively managing thrush and preventing its recurrence.

Treatment with Bacxitium

With Bacxitium, the invasive fungal infection is killed within minutes as the gel formulation fills the frog cleft and other cavities. This kills the fungal infection on a daily basis and supports the natural healing process, completely without the use of chemicals.

The treatment with Bacxitium is straightforward:

  1. Rinse the frog and surrounding area with water, potentially using a hose; consider contacting a hoof trimmer to first remove dead tissue.
  2. Inject Bacxitium gel into the frog cleft and all other cavities until it can be seen coming out again. Apply Bacxitium gel 1-2 times daily for 10-14 days.
  3. Optionally, pack cavities with cotton or foam after application to prevent recontamination by bacteria.

With Bacxitium, the invasive fungal infection is killed within minutes.

Bacxitium kills the invasive fungal infection within minutes by filling the frog cleft and other cavities with its gel formulation. This kills the fungal infection on a daily basis, thereby supporting the natural healing process completely without the use of chemicals. Bacxitium gel can also be used preventatively by applying it to the frog or in early-stage cavities 1-3 times per week.


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Horse care